Municipal Manager

M. Manzi – Municipal Manager
As one of the key departments in the municipality the IDP, Budget Integration, Performance Management and GIS, has many responsibilities that are linked to the success of Nketoana Local Municipality. Below are some of the department’s key responsibilities.
- Manage and coordinate the process of developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) by:
- Linking, integrating and ensuring the co-ordination of all plans and proposals with the IDP (local sector plans, national and provincial)
- Aligning the resources and capacities of the municipality with the implementation of the IDP; Integrating the budget with the IDP Maintaining functional cooperation and coordination between the various Directorates and the IDP department; in order to comply with the legislation and enable the municipality to achieve its developmental goals as outlined in the Constitution.
- Monitoring and the overseeing the alignment of sectorial plans with the IDP through:
- Ensuring close interaction and cooperation with the relevant Directorates and Departments
- Ensuring sectorial plans and projects are aligned with the IDP and in accordance to legislation
- Ensuring that the outcomes of sector plans are incorporated into the review and amendment of the IDP, in order to ensure an integrated plan, aimed at achieving the strategic objectives of the municipality, with resources aligned and sector programmes and projects working in support of one another.
- Ensure that the municipality gives effect to and conducts its affairs in a manner which is consistent with the IDP and achieves the strategic development priorities and objectives as reflected in the IDP through:
- Linking the Capital and Operational Budget to the IDP;
- Ensuring the financial and operational strategies (including the institutional framework) are congruent with and support the IDP;
- Ensuring that appropriate Key Performance Indicators and targets are set during the development and review of the IDP;
- Ensuring the linkage of the IDP to the Performance Management System;
- Developing tools and methodologies for monitoring the implementation of programmes and projects;
- Review of the achievements of the municipality in light of the development priorities and objectives and ensuring the amendment, as necessary to the IDP.
The above will ensure that the IDP is compliant with legislated requirements, strategic and integrated; and linked to the resources of the municipality. The Office of the Municipal Manager is also responsible for the Performance Management System (PMS) of the municipality.
This (PMS) aims to manage the process of developing, implementing and monitoring of a Performance Management System. It does this by developing a measurement and monitoring framework in order to measure and evaluate the performance of the municipality as a whole and that of employees, political office bearers, councillors and service providers. The system feeds this data into an instrument referred to as Scorecards in order to ensure compliance with legislative requirements.