- There is one clinic in Leratswana. Hospitals in Reitz and Bethlehem are used by the community.
- Lindley has a well-equipped clinic rendering primary health care services to the community.
- There is one clinic for the community. A mobile clinic also serves the rural area on the farms. The Nketoana hospital (in Reitz) is used by PetrusSteyn. Home based care services are also rendered.
- Reitz has a well-equipped hospital with 2 wards and 65 beds. There is one municipal clinic in Petsana and a community clinic in Reitz at the hospital. There is also a trauma centre and step down facility. Only the hospital offers a 24 hour service.
Phekolong / Nketoana District Hospital Complex

Phekolong Hospital

Nketoana Hospital
- Casualty
- Outpatient Department
- Medical, Surgical and Paediatric Wards
- Maternity Ward
- Pharmacy
- Radiography/ X Ray
- Operating Theatre
- Dietetics Service
- Food Service
- Orthopaedic Workshop
- Rehabilitation Service: Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Audio and Speech
- Therapy
- HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT)
What to bring to the hospital when being admitted:
From 1 January 2009, proof of income is required at the hospital`s admission section. failure to do so will result in classifying the patient as a private patient, and then accounts will be raised at maximum rates (H3 Tariffs)
- ID document / passport
- A referral letter from clinic /private doctor (H301)
- Proof of residence
- At least R30 for admissions and R20 for consultation
- Proof of being unemployed e.g. UIF card
- Your pension card if you are a pensioner
- Your Medical Aid card/number if you belong to a medical aid
- Your SANDF force number if you are working for the SANDF
- If you are injured at work, your employer must fill in the employers report and you must bring if for you to be admitted as a WCA (injury on duty)
- If you have been involved in an accident (MVA) your correct particulars, and particulars of the vehicle which caused the accident are needed, as well as the exact place where the accident occurred.
- For admission, the following must be brought: Two washing rags, toothpaste, soap and toiletries and sleeping attire.
Free Services provided for:
- Pregnant woman and children under the age of 5 years
- 32 days after child birth (mother and child)
- Termination of pregnancy
- Forensic services for victims of domestic and sexual violence.
- Persons with mental disorders
- Persons with disabilities
- Infectious, formidable and / or notifiable diseases
- Persons suffering from malnutrition, pellagra and any other determined by province
- Persons on pension / grant
- Patients should visit the nearest clinic available between 07h30 – 16:00 Mondays to Fridays.
- Should there be a need for the Clinic Sister to refer the patient to the next level of care, it must be done with a referral letter (H301)
- The referral letter should be submitted at the nearest District Hospital, which in this case is Phekolong or Nketoana District Hospitals.
- Should there be a need for the District Hospital staff to refer the patient to the next level of care, another referral letter will be issued (H301)
- The referral letter should then be submitted at the Regional Hospital (Dihlabeng Regional Hospital)
- In the event where patients need tertiary level of care, the patients will be referred to Universitas Hospital in Bloemfontein.
Phekolong Hospital
Riemland Road
Nketoana Hospital
Artie Street
Tel: 058 863 2808