Overview of Water Bulk Supply
The Lieberbergsvlei River serves as the main water supply of municipal water to Reitz and Petsana. The water purification works is situated on the farm “Geluk” and has been upgraded with a total capacity of 80 lt per second. Reitz has 2 reservoirs with a capacity of 3.5 mega liters each as well as a pressure tower with a capacity of 0.75 mega liters. Petsana has 2 reservoirs with a capacity of 2 mega liters and 1.6 mega liters respectively. Petsana has also a pressure tower with a capacity of 75kl.
The KalkoenSpruit via the Middelpunt dam as well as three bore holes outside the jurisdiction of the municipality serves as the main water supply of municipal water to PetrusSteyn and Mamafubedu. During the dry months the yield from the bore holes decrease dramatically and serious water shortages are experienced. The capacity of the Middelpunt dam is also insufficient for future supply to the growing population. To solve this problem a pipeline from Reitz to PetrusSteyn was build with a flow of 17 lt per second. The existing purification works is situated along the bulk supply line from the Middelpunt dam and has a capacity of 10 lt per second.
The Vals River on the northern boundary of the town, serves as the main water supply to Lindley and Ntha. The raw water supply is not adequate for the growing community of Lindley and Ntha. There are two storage dams from which the purification works are fed. To solve the problem of bulk water supply a pipeline from PetrusSteyn to Lindley is envisaged.
The bulk water supply to Arlington and Leratswana is currently inadequate. Raw water is extracted from two boreholes on the farms Port Arlington and Schietkop. The amount of water abstracted annually is approximately 141 912 kl. The storage dam is silting up at an alarming rate and cause serious water shortages. There is a need for a new pressure tower and upgrading of the water purification works.